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The Leadership Experts featuring Founder and Chief Curiosity Officer, Nora Burns

  How Our Booking
Process Works

Seven Steps To Success

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Let's Connect Via Phone or Zoom Video

Critical to the success of your event is ensuring that we’re the right fit to work together. We pride ourselves on booking Nora for her ”perfect fit” clients.


This initial conversation will provide the opportunity to talk through your event goals, key event information (including checking date availability of course), as well as getting a sense of Nora’s style and approach to her work.


To book this conversation you can call our office, email, or use our on-line booking site.

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Book It!

Ready to make it real? Excellent! We will prep a speaker agreement for your signature.


To secure a date on Nora’s calendar, a non-refundable 50% deposit of her fee is required along with the signed agreement. Once the agreement and deposit have been received, you are invited to use Nora’s name, likeness, bio, etc. in your promotional materials.


Want Nora to record a promo video for your use? We are glad to be part of your marketing plan!

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The Undercover Project™ Consultation & Research

Your agreement and deposit will put into action our customization plan.


We’ll set up next-step calls to sort out additional marketing material, confirm room setup, coordinate travel, staging, etc.


This is also when we begin your customized Undercover Project™ research, survey, or assessments to create a unique, on-point program that is designed specifically for your event.

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Logistics Review & Check-In

Four weeks before your event we would delight in a final logistics review and check-in.


Sometimes there are a few changes to expected registration numbers, room assignments, A/V support, etc. and we find this scheduled check-in is helpful for both our team and meeting planners.


As Louis Pasteur said so many moons ago, “Fortune favors the prepared."

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Mark It Paid

The remaining balance is due no later than ten (10) days prior to your scheduled event.


Some organizations request an invoice while others operate from our signed agreement. Some clients pay via check, others via electronic transfer.  Whatever your payment method is, we'll make the process seamless. 

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It's Showtime!

For out–of-town engagements (aka outside-of-Denver), Nora will be scheduled to arrive the day before

her presentation. If she is presenting the closing keynote she may arrive two days in advance to sit in on earlier

sessions. As soon as she is “boots on the ground” in your city she will reach out via text to her primary contact.


A former meeting planner herself, Nora does whatever she can to relieve event planner stress!


With plenty of time for a sound check and to sort out any final production elements, we will be good to go!

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Call or Zoom Video connection to review the highlight reel and any lessons learned.


Already planning the next event? Based on Nora's experience with you and your team it’s likely she could refer a few potential speakers for future events.

Congrats On A Fabulous Event!

The Leadership Experts
303 S Broadway
Suite 200-523
Denver, CO. 80209

Nora has the data leaders need,
the stories to bring that data to life,
and the strategies to put it all together
to make a difference in your organization.

© 2012-2024 by The Leadership Experts  |  Terms of Use  

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